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Friday, December 4, 2009

Title: Lilith
Year of Release: 2009
About the book: Lilith is a disturbing novel that touches on issue that many people avoid: Will you purposely avoid contact with a HIV-positive person? The story is about a HIV-positive woman who feels that the world is being unfair to her, thus she began seducing men and have casual sex with them just to spread her virus.
Price: SGD$15.80
At the back of the book:
In the Oxford School Dictionary, "Justice" is defined as 'being just: fair treatment'. Bullshit. In my dictionary, Justice is not about giving that terrorist the death sentence. In my dictionary, Justice is not about jailing that rapist. In my dictionary, Justice is not about punishing that boy who bullied that girl. In my dictionary, Justice is about fighting for yourself: Just for yourself. In my world, Lady Justice doesn't do her job; I do her job. If I am born a deer, I will hunt and kill tigers. If I am born into a poor family, I will rob the wealthy of their riches. If I am born without legs, I will break everyone's legs. If I am born hearing impaired, I will slice of everyone's ears. That is Justice. My name is Lilith Ng and I am HIV-positive.

Title: To Forget You
Year of Release: 2008
About the book: To Forget You is Low Kay Hwa's sixth book, and it is a touching romance about a guy who suddenly decided to break off with his girlfriend of nearly eight years. As the ex-girlfriend tried to find out the truth behind this break-up, she realized everything was not as simple as it seemed. Written in an innovative way, readers are able to read both the present and the past from two points of view.
Price: SGD$15.80
At the back of the book:
Before I met you, I wondered why all the lyrics in love songs were so exaggerated: Why do lyricists create such mushy and overemotional sentences? Why can't they just write a good melody without those melodramatic lyrics? That is plain exaggeration. Before I fell in love with you, I thought romance novels were just so silly: Why would a person cry for another person for hours? How could a person wait for his lover for years? That is plain silliness. Before we became a couple, I thought romance movies were just so stupid: How could a person love another person so deeply that it became an obsession? How could one sacrifice so much, even to the extent of his own life, for his lover? That is plain stupidity. When I realised I had fallen so deeply in love with you, I finally understood that songs, novels and movies are just reflections of life, inspired by the writers' true stories. Because when I decided to end our relationship, I realized that our story mirrors a love song I once heard, a novel you once read and a movie we once watched.

Title: A Photogenic Life
Year of Release: 2007
About the book: A Photogenic Life is about a teenage single mother who has to face her tragic past with a brave front. The dark and disturbing story touches on a topic that is widely discussed: Why are we always trying to impress everyone around us?
Price: SGD$15.80
At the back of the book:
Dear Diary, Why must I always wear different masks wherever i go? I am so sick and tired of my life. Who can hep me tear away these masks of mine that are lingering in my skin? Why must I always play the role of a strong daughter in front of my parents, a smart student in front of my teachers and a contented girl in front of my classmates? Why must I keep on telling everyone around me that I am the best, by putting on multiple masks of disguise for different people? This afternoon, I looked into the mirror and realised that I could no longer recognize myself. My reflection was of a faceless girl, awaiting the next mask to be placed on. Why are we always trying to pose for the best posture for the camera, when we know we can never change reality?

Title: Journey
Year of Release: 2006
About the book: Journey talks about a heartwarming relationship between a graphics artist, Elle Yap, and her mother.
Price: SGD$15.80
At the back of the book:
When I was ten, my mother called me "ah girl" and I had always responded to her. When I was fifteen, my mother called me "ah girl" in front of my classmates and I scolded her. When I was twenty, my mother still called me "ah girl" aloud and I ignored her completely. I know that, from her point of view, no matter how old I am, I will always be the "ah girl" who calls her "mama". Front my point of view, my mother is just an old woman in the house who lives with me. Her responsibilities are to make breakfast for me in the morning, give me money to spend in the day, do the laundry in the evening and switching off the lights at night. For all those things she did, she will have the authority to scold me or ground me. Until one day, she calls me and says, "Ah girl, I've got cancer. I may die within the next six months." That is when I realize that my mother is more than that.

Title: You are Here
Year of Release: 2006
About the book: You Are Here, Low Kay Hwa's third book, tells a tragic story about a twenty-two years old girl whose mindset starts to shrink "younger" after she gets into a relationship.
Price: SGD$15.80
At the back of the book:
Zhou Jie Lun has everything in his life: He has a stable career, a loving girlfriend and a good life ahead. However, when he encounters his teenage first love, Lara Wu, in a coincidental meeting, his life changes forever. He falls in love with Lara again and their romance blossoms. Just when they think that their romance is a testimonial that a love story can be a simple "boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl and they live happily ever after", Lara starts to act strangely. Her mindset begins to shrink younger every two weeks: At twenty-two years old, she cries for burgers and plays with Hello Kitty soft toys. Jie Lun has to make a choice; Either to abandon her and live happily ever after with another girl, or to stay with her and live in despair ever after. How far will his love for Lara stretch? Till the end of time, or till the end of his patience?

Title: I Believe You
Year of Release: 2005
About the book: I Believe You is about a Junior College girl who believes that she has a curse. A male classmate enters her life and tries to change her belief.
Price: SGD$15.80
At the back of the book:
Joanna Fung is the envy of many girls: She studies at a top Junior College, has a girl-next-door look and has good results. However, deep in her heart, she holds a secret: She believes that she has a curse. She believes that every bad thing she said will come true. Jacky Wu is an ideal prince charming: He is good in his studies and has girls wanting to hold his hand. he smiles every few minutes and often cracks jokes. However, he, too holds a deep secret. When their paths crossed, an unexpected romantic love story takes place...

Title: Destiny's Cries
Year of Release: Not known
About the book: Destiny's Cries is a bittersweet love story about a woman who is committed to killing herself, and a young man coming in to change her mind.
Price: SGD$15.80
At the back of the book:
Destiny Wu, 23, has never believed in true love: She thinks that true love is when a guy is willing to sacrifice everything for her. As she is about to end her life on that notion, she meets Alan Nah. Alan Nah, 17, does not know what love is. He does not know how to love someone for he has never loved anyone before, until he meets Destiny. When they fall in love, Alan learns how to love, and Destiny learns how to be loved.